🚨 Stop the visit 🚨 ️Rishi Sunak, uninvite Mohammed bin Salman from visiting the UK

The clock is ticking. This Autumn, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman will be back in the UK rubbing shoulders with this Government despite his horrendous human rights record. 

It’s important that we stop this visit - there are grave consequences when we give the green light to dictators who commit horrendous human rights abuses.

Just six months after Mohammed bin Salman last visited to the United Kingdom, in 2018, the journalist Jamal Khashoggi was murdered in the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul. US intelligence concluded in 2021 that the Crown Prince approved the murder. [1]

We’re fearful for our client Salman Alodah, a Saudi Arabian scholar who like Khashoggi, doesn’t echo the Saudi Arabian government’s position. He has been detained in solitary confinement for six years and faces the risk of a death sentence for expressing his opinions.

Mohammed bin Salman’s leadership is throwing billions of pounds into fixing its reputation and trying to appear progressive but we know that is far from the reality. This is why this visit cannot go ahead – lives are at risk.

With the support of powerful governments allowing him on the world stage, the Crown Prince will believe he can do anything without consequence. Say NO to the death penalty. Say NO to the British government’s ties to the death penalty. Say NO to Mohammed bin Salman’s visit to the UK. There is no place for dictators like him in our country. 

Add your name to the petition today if you agree  >>>

[1] "Assessing the Saudi Government's role in the killing of Jamal Khashoggi", Office of the Director of National Intelligence (February 11, 2021).



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